Discounts & Offers
Enjoy our latest offers and exclusive savings.
Marketing Discounts
We're excited to offer exclusive discounts to select chapters at your school. As one of the two chapters chosen, you have the unique opportunity to save on our products.
Bundle multiple event orders to qualify for higher discount brackets.
- 40-99 pieces = 10% discount
- 100-199 pieces = 15% discount
- 200-399 pieces = 20% discount
- 400+ pieces = 25% discount
[Details can be found in your email presentation]
Loyalty Discounts
Your continued support means the world to us, and we believe loyalty should be rewarded. That's we're offering special savings to chapters that partner with us year after year.
Year 1: Exclusive Perks (3+ orders)
- Marketing Discounts: Enjoy special pricing by participating in our marketing campaign
- Tax Coverage: We'll take care of the tax, so you don't have to worry.
Year 2: Continued Savings (3+ orders)
- Locked-In Discounts: Keep your maximum discounted rate on all your orders for your second year with us [varies by product]
- Tax Coverage: Enjoy the same tax benefit for a second year of stress-free savings.